系 室:农业经济学系土地资源管理教研室
职 称:教授
邮 箱 :hbchen@nwafu.edu.cn
办 公 室 :365体育官网登陆入口B413室
1. 教改项目
[1] 西北农林科技大学一流本科课程建设项目(自然资源与环境经济学),主持,2020.
[2] 西北农林科技大学校级规划教材建设项目(自然资源与环境经济学),主持,2020.
[3] 基于“3S”技术的土地资源管理专业实践教学体系改革与重构,西北农林科技大学校级教学改革与研究项目,主持,2017-2018.
2. 出版专著
[1] 徐广才,黄映晖,陈海滨等.休闲农业规划(教育部“一村一名大学生计划”教材).国家开放大学出版社,2020.
[2] 邵砾群,吴雅芳,陈海滨等,国际贸易实务实验教程,西北农林科技大学出版社,2018.
3. 研究生培养
1. 科研项目
[1] 草地资源协同治理行为与结构的形成过程:基于制度匹配的视角,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,2023/01-2026/12.
[2] 草地资源多主体协同治理网络的结构特征、作用机理与制度转型,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,2019/01-2022/12.
[3] 基于生态系统服务的草地资源可持续管理研究,教育部人文社科青年项目,主持,2017/01-2019/12.
[4] 黄河流域社会生态系统协同治理研究,科技部高端外国专家引进计划,主持,2021/01-2021/12.
2. 主要论文(#为共同第一作者,*为通讯作者)
[1] Bodin Örjan, Chen Haibin. A network perspective of human-nature interactions in dynamic and fast-changing landscapes. National Science Review. 2023: nwad019. Doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwad019.
[2] Chen Haibin, Ding Rui, Shao Liqun. 2022. Cognitive antecedents and formation pathways of confined feeding mode adoption by herders in China. Journal of Rural Studies, 94, 326-335.
[3] Qian Chen, Shao Liqun, Chen Haibin*. 2022. Understanding herdsmen's rangeland rent-in behaviour under current rural land tenure system of China. Ecological Economics, 196, 107425.
[4] Zhang Bangbang, Li Xian, Chen Haibin*, et al., 2022. Identifying opportunities to close yield gaps in China by use of certificated cultivars to estimate potential productivity. Land Use Policy 117: 106080.
[5] Wang Jiamei#, Chen Haibin#, Zhang Heng, Luo Jianchao, Cheng Mingwang, Zhang Jiaping. 2022. Property rights reform and capital adequacy ratios of rural credit cooperatives in China. Economic Modelling, 105707.
[6] Ding Rui, Shao Liqun, Chen Haibin*. 2021. Curbing overstocking on rangeland through subsidies, rewards, and herders’ social capital: Lessons from Qinghai province, China. Journal of Rural Studies, 87, 361-374.
[7] Liu Jingming, Chen Haibin*, Hou Xianhui*, Zhang Daojun, Zhang Hui. 2021. Time to adopt a context-specific and market-based compensation scheme for a new round of the Grain for Green Program. Land Use Policy 108: 105675.
[8] Song Shuang, Wang Shuai*, Fu Bojie, Dong Yuxiang, Liu Yanxu, Chen Haibin, Wang Yaping. 2021, Improving representation of collective memory in socio‐hydrological models and new insights into flood risk management. Journal of Flood Risk Management 14(1): e12679.
[9] Shao Liqun, Zhou Yimeng, Chen Haibin*, Wang Yu. 2020. Effects of social network on herder livestock production income and the mediation by fund loans. Agriculture 10(12): 629.
[10] Zhang Bangbang, Li Jiaxiang, Tian Wenmiao, Chen Haibin*, Kong Xiangbin*, Chen Wei, Zhao Minjuan, Xia Xianli. 2020. Spatio-temporal variances and risk evaluation of land finance in China at the provincial level from 1998 to 2017, Land Use Policy 99: 104804.
[11] Zhang Bangbang, Niu Wenhao, Ma Linyan, Zuo Xuyang, Kong Xiangbin, Chen Haibin*, Zhang Yifan*, Chen Wei, Zhao Minjuan, Xia Xianli. 2019. A company-dominated pattern of land consolidation to solve land fragmentation problem and its effectiveness evaluation: A case study in a hilly region of Guangxi Autonomous Region, Southwest China, Land Use Policy 88: 104115.
[12] Wang Shuai, Fu Bojie*, Chen Haibin, Liu Yu. 2018. Regional development boundary of China’s Loess Plateau: Water limit and land shortage. Land Use Policy 74: 130-136.
[13] Shao Liqun, Chen Haibin, Zhang Chen, Huo Xuexi*. 2017. Effects of Major Grassland Conservation Programs Implemented in Inner Mongolia since 2000 on Vegetation Restoration and Natural and Anthropogenic Disturbances to Their Success. Sustainability 9: 466.
[14] Chen Haibin, Shao Liqun, Zhao Minjuan*, Zhang Xing, Zhang Daojun. 2017. Grassland conservation programs, vegetation rehabilitation and spatial dependency in Inner Mongolia, China. Land Use Policy 64C: 429-439.
[15] Chen Haibin, He Li, Tang Haiping*, Zhao Minjuan, Shao Liqun. 2016. A Two-Step Strategy for Developing Cultivated Pastures in China that Offer the Advantages of Ecosystem Services. Sustainability 8(4): 392.
[16] 郭章栋,陈海滨. 2022, 促进抑或阻碍:草原生态补奖如何影响牧户草地租赁倾向?[J].干旱区资源与环境, 36(11):81-89.
[17] 钱琛,邵砾群,王帅,张会,陈海滨*. 2021. 社会网络对牧户草地租入行为的影响——以青海省门源县4个村为例.资源科学, 43(2): 269-279.
[18] 王玉,陈海滨,邵砾群*. 2021. 社会资本与农户有机肥替代化肥行为——基于陕西省408份苹果户调查数据.干旱区资源与环境, 35(8):9.
[19] 钱琛,陈海滨*,侯现慧. 2020. 生态建设背景下陕西省植被覆盖时空变化及其影响因素研究.干旱区地理, 43(02): 425-433.
[20] 孙滢展,张蚌蚌,陈海滨.合作社自主型土地整治对耕地格局及其利用的影响.中国农业大学学报,2020,25(11):199-208.
[21] 宋爽,王帅*,傅伯杰,陈海滨,刘焱序,赵文武. 2019. 社会—生态系统适应性治理研究进展与展望.地理学报, 74(11): 2401-2410.
[22] 张寒,杨红强,陈海滨,刘晶,许时蕾,刘浩,刘璨*.2018.非农就业对林地流转的影响——基于双内生视角的MV Tobit估计.资源科学, 40(8): 1505-1514.
[23] 陈海滨,唐海萍*.2014.盖娅假说:在争议中发展.生态学报,34(19): 5380-5388.
[24] 陈海滨,唐海萍*.2013.基于系统动力学的雏菊世界模型气候控制敏感性分析.生态学报,33(10): 3177-3184.
[25] 陈海滨,唐海萍*,王娅,张笑寒. 2012. 基于CPM/PERT及系统仿真技术的项目时间管理——以北京师范大学资源学院探“所”活动组织为例.北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),48(4): 416-419.
[26] 邵砾群,陈海滨*,夏显力,刘军弟.2012.美国农业转型的经验及其对中国的启示.农业经济,(11): 6-8.
[27] 邵砾群,陈海滨,陈亚妮,陈波.2012.基于农村剩余劳动力内部转移的农户车间化模式研究.农村经济,(10): 112-116.
[28] 李滨勇,陈海滨,唐海萍*.2010.基于AHP和模糊综合评判法的北疆各地州生态脆弱性评价.北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),46(2): 197-201.
[29] 王帅,陈海滨*,邱国玉.2008.干旱区若干水文过程研究进展.水资源与水工程学报,19(3): 32-37.
[30] 唐海萍,陈海滨,李传哲,徐广才.2007.基于KJ法的艾比湖流域生态环境综合治理研究.干旱区地理,30(3): 337-342.
长期担任Journal of Rural Studies, Land Use Policy, Ecological Economics, Economic Modelling, Land Degradation & Development, Environmental Science & Policy, People and Nature等学术期刊审稿人。
[1] 2019年西北农林科技大学“我最喜爱的老师”;
[2] 2022年陕西高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果奖,农业自然资源价值评估理论、实证与应用,特等奖,赵敏娟,张晓宁,姚柳杨,陈海滨,史恒通,徐涛;
[3] 2020广西社会科学优秀成果奖,广西小块并大块耕地整治模式理论与实践研究,三等奖,左旭阳,张蚌蚌,胡颖,陈海滨,段向锋,马林燕,赵殷钰;
[4] 2017陕西省第十三次哲学社会科学(著作类),耕地保护经济补偿模式研究,三等奖,夏显力、陈海滨、赵凯;
[5] 2017陕西省第十三次哲学社会科学(青年奖),The Local Residents'Concerns about Environmental Issues in Northwest China,三等奖,Fanus A. Aregay、赵敏娟、李晓平、夏显力、陈海滨。